Sunday, October 23, 2011

Growing Pains....

This last several weeks have been very challenging for see in the month of October I have three birthdays one day apart twin daughters who are 5, and my oldest son who is 13....did I really just say 13... I truly have to pinch myself sometimes to imagine that I have a teenager.

I think when kids are born they should come with some kind of manual that they automatically just hand you  here Mom this is directly from God himself. This is the best way to deal with all the problems that arise during my life....when I cry when I am a baby do this and I will be consoled or when I become a teenager.... this is how you deal with my smart mouth or when I start liking girls....and so on you get my point man that would be so simple rather than doing this and wondering God and I am going to screw my kids completely up...Dear Lord  teenagers are a  whole different story. If you moms out there have teenagers you know exactly what I mean . I truly believe when kids become 12 or 13 aliens come down and suck out their brains and place them in a capsule and keep them until they turn maybe 25, and I sit and think there is no way I could have possibly been so clueless as teenager.....Right....I mean I couldn't have worried my Mom & Dad when they were raising me ....Right??? Then it gets me thinking how fast life just passes you by and your children just grow up they don't wait for you to get ready for them to change it just happens.

I can remember the day the girls were born Tristan then was 8, Malachi 2 and Tristan looking up at me with those little brown eyes and saying Mama I guess I will have my hands full taking care of these girls when they are bigger...LOL....I can remember a day that when my kids were really small all I could think of was when they get bigger it is going to be so much simpler and easier for me......oh was I so wrong!!!! Can  I just have those easy days when they were small and I could soothe their troubles by rocking them to sleep...sniff...sniff.... I am so completely bless that God chose me to raise these beautiful kids that are teaching me so much about life and my walk with my heavenly father. That no matter what I seem to do or how I seem to fail so miserably that he just loves me anyway no matter what, just as our children fail we love them just the same. So I am trying to come to terms this week with Tristan getting contacts and a cell phone and this being his last year of football at his school. So what is really the big deal its contacts and a cell phone why is this affecting me so much????? Bryan just keeps saying its going to be OK we will get through this....Thank you God that I have you to help me through all this stuff!!! I just want Tristan to be small again and think that I am the most wonderful thing....but that is what kids do they must grow up and find themselves......but why must this growing be so painful for Mom. I have a friend the other day that posted a saying on facebook that said when your children are small they need you but the older they get the more you need them. That is so true!!So today I cherish that Jaydyn, Myah, and Malachi still think that I hang the moon....and I will settle for the occasional wonderful attention that my teenager gives .........God help me through these years...... Anyone have any suggestions for the struggles we go through as our kids get older????

Have a wonderfully blessed Sunday!!!

-The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed. Psalms 28:8

Monday, October 17, 2011

Drinking Sunshine

Ummmhmm..... Hello, .....Hello out there...Well this is my very first, sad attempt to capture some of my precious memories of my family by blogging, things that we think will never forget But, time seems to have a way of brushing over those memories and then they are gone. So if I can capture a few as I jot down life as I know it. Maybe, someday my sons and daughters will look back and treasure each and every post. Well to begin my name is Monique 

This is Bryan, my wonderful, kind, sweet, studly man....

This is my crew......Tristan, Malachi, Jaydyn, Myah  Yep, if you haven't figured it out yet I have four beautiful, incredible children who seem to teach me something new everyday. Just a little word of wisdom if you like quiet time or nice relaxing evening spent with your sweet man and the dog overlooking a lake while you sip on a nice hot cup of tea or a relaxing evening with your favorite book snuggled by the fire while Adele is playing in the background well friends, I would suggest not putting children into the equation.LOL...All jokes aside I absolutely love my crazy, whirlwind of life.. I truly would not have it any other way. I have been a mom for 13 years....gees when I say that it does make me feel very old. I really don't remember life without being a mom someone always hollering Mom where did I leave this ...or Mom did you wash my uniform for tomorrow.... or Mom can I have some friends over......But at the end of the day after everyone is quietly in their bed and I am completely exhausted by the work of the day I am so reminded how unbelievably I am blessed that God has entrusted me with these precious little souls. Needless, to say this is not at all how I imagined my fairy tale. I was going to be a princess and my night in shining armour was going to rescue me from all of life's troubles and I would have 2.5 children and of course a awesome dog that would greet me when I got home from gathering what I would fix for supper..... I look back on that fantasy and laugh out loud. But my story is so much sweeter than that silly fairy tale anyway. Yes, I do have a prince charming though I haven't seen the shining armour yet!!!My story is complicated, and to long to tell ...however what I have learned from this journey thus the precious love of a forgiving saviour who shed his last drop of blood for a old sinner like me but through his wondrous grace and mercy I have truly found a best friend. I am a single mom who must carry this load ....which is a very daunting, exhausting, and the most rewarding job that I have ever done. So today I will drink in sunshine, lay on a blanket with my kids, smell their hair, drink in their laughter and just enjoy the day.So all you moms out there squeeze your kids tight, read that extra bedtime story tonight, and just breath in those precious moments....

Have a blessed Monday :)

_The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my High tower. Psalms 18:2